
Arising to Serve

“Dedicate the precious days of your lives to the betterment of the world”


We have been put on this earth to “work for the betterment of the world”. The days of our lives on this earth are not only precious but fleeting. What better way to spend them in service to humanity, in bringing the vision of Bahá’u’lláh one step closer to reality. There is no better time to serve than now! Regardless of our age or time and place in life, we can all arise to offer acts of service, big or small. The Regional Council lovingly invites you to reflect on what you can offer right now, in this historical moment, as we embark on the Nine Year Plan.

In addition to short term offers of service, the Universal House of Justice has reiterated the importance of pioneering in fulfilling the goal of advancing clusters in our region and around the globe:

“Foremost among these will be the deployment of teams of international and homefront pioneers who are familiar with the framework for action and are prepared to dedicate significant amounts of time and energy to serving the Cause over a number of years.”

A list of goals and priorities is forthcoming. In the meantime, you can study the May 24th message of the Universal House of Justice to further familiarize yourself with the current requirements of the Plan and begin to gain more experience with the framework for action.

To let the Regional Council know of your desire to serve in whatever capacity, please click on the following:

 Explore additional opportunities by visiting the Service page.