
Assistance from the Abhá Kingdom

Story of assistance from the Abhá Kingdom

Book 3 is in the works in a SE Norman ,OK neighborhood.

Neighbors  have shown interest in having their children attend a children’s class and Kathryn, Ashley and Joseph have  started with a firm base.  As the word spread about the class they have added a devotional. It is interesting and surprising at the same time how many friends and neighbors are interconnected and of the same wavelength as Kathryn described. 

A heartwarming example is when Ashley and a friend were chatting about their favorite elderly neighbors. They realized that the friend’s favorite was an elderly man who was a Master Gardener and had taught gardening classes at the public library. He turned out to be a Bahai and Ashley’s departed grandfather. The friends are closer than ever and it seems the grandfather (Norm Park) was reaching a hand down to encourage his granddaughter to move forward with the teaching work.